
Student On Sofa Using Poptential On Laptop@2x

Reach all learning styles with a blend of short video clips and text

Poptential e-textbooks include reading assignments, video clips and audio excerpts that are digestible and instructive―and chock-full of pop culture. Taken from sitcoms, movies, animations, cartoons, late night shows and other sources, each digital clip has been specifically chosen to help students better understand and retain a specific concept.

We use a hybrid learning method which means students can do the reading and consume the multimedia at home, then come to class ready for discussion. The value? Our digital tools can convey skills and knowledge, giving teachers the bandwidth to provide context, wisdom and motivation.

Help students think independently and creatively.

Every module begins with an overview that provides your students with a clear purpose and relevance in their learning. Knowing what they are working towards can increase motivation, engagement, and a sense of ownership over learning. The overview will include:

  • Module Objectives: Students should be able to create a well-reasoned response to questions specific to each module.
  • Module Key Concepts and Terms: A list of key terms, people, and primary documents important to each module.
  • Pop! Primers: “Big” questions used to invite students to reflect and think critically about the significance of the module intended for pre-learning.

At the end of every module, activities engage students in reflection and feedback exercises. This fosters a sense of agency and promotes active engagement in the learning process, helping students become more independent and self-directed learners.

  • Pop! Ponderings: A series of questions that invite students to reflect and think deeply about the significance of the module.
  • Applying American Principles: Opportunity to critically analyze the American principles and apply them to knowledge learned within each module.
  • Pop! Analysis: Students are asked to apply their Passions, create something Original, and illustrate ways in which themes in the module have the Power to impact society and make a difference in the world.

See teacher resources to find the materials available for your subject.

Recognized By

Our methods are standards based and developed by teachers.

You heard us right! Poptential is:

  • Standards based
  • Developed by teachers
  • Free for educators, including home schools
  • Compatible with classroom apps
  • Set to school calendars