World History—Volume 1
Consider this the Cliff’s Notes version of everything that has happened to humankind. Starting 5,000 years ago even before the first loincloth was invented, Volume 1 is a whirlwind look at the civilizations and religions that humans have created since then.
Poptential’s World History Volume 1 is divided into weekly unit modules and daily lessons. Every module begins with an overview that provides your students with a clear purpose and relevance in their learning. At the end of every module, activities engage students in reflection and feedback exercises. This fosters a sense of agency and promotes active engagement in the learning process, helping students become more independent and self-directed learners. Pop culture media, along with engaging mini-lessons, accompany every module and support a deeper reading of the content. All of the content is set to school calendars and is compatible with popular classroom apps.
E-Textbook (Student Edition)
- 17 modules; all modules are set to pace 1 per week
- Includes:
- Module Objectives
- Module Key Concepts and Terms
- Discussion Questions and Analysis
- Applying American Principles
- And much more!
- See details here
E-Textbook (Teacher Edition)
- 17 modules; all modules are set to pace 1 per week
- Includes everything in the student edition, plus:
- Lesson Plan Overviews
- Learning Objectives
- Quizzes and Answer Keys
- Are You Getting It? Interactive Poll Questions
- Additional Assignments
World History—Volume 2
Even after the Black Plague, the world kept spinning and humans kept finding new ways to invent, intellectualize, conquer, expand and revolutionize. Say hello to man’s little friend – gunpowder – and how it shaped empires, trade, society and even Charlton Heston. Thrill your students with tales of the Ottoman Empire, the Renaissance and the Ming Dynasty. Journey through American and French revolutions and into more recent global affairs – world wars, cold wars, proxy wars, fashion wars – and everything in between. All told in a clear, concise way that is sure to make even the reluctant student exclaim, “Whoa.”
Poptential’s World History Volume 2 is divided into weekly unit modules and daily lessons. Every module begins with an overview that provides your students with a clear purpose and relevance in their learning. At the end of every module, activities engage students in reflection and feedback exercises. This fosters a sense of agency and promotes active engagement in the learning process, helping students become more independent and self-directed learners. Pop culture media, along with engaging mini-lessons, accompany every module and support a deeper reading of the content. All of the content is set to school calendars and is compatible with popular classroom apps.
E-Textbook (Student Edition)
- 18 modules; all modules are set to pace 1 per week
- Includes:
- Module Objectives
- Module Key Concepts and Terms
- Discussion Questions and Analysis
- Applying American Principles
- And much more!
- See details here
E-Textbook (Teacher Edition)
- 18 modules; all modules are set to pace 1 per week
- Includes everything in the student edition, plus:
- Lesson Plan Overviews
- Learning Objectives
- Quizzes and Answer Keys
- Are You Getting It? Interactive Poll Questions
- Additional Assignments