Poptential teacher resources are free and easy to use.
- Step 1: Register for free
Create a free teacher account by clicking this link or the “Teacher Registration/Login” button in the upper right corner of this website.
- Step 2: Log in to your account
After registering, log in here using your username and password to access our teacher resource library. Bookmark the login page for future use! Or you can always visit Poptential.org and use the “Teacher Registration/Login” button.
- Step 3: Search for the teacher resource that suits you.
Within the teacher resource library, choose the subject and corresponding resource you’d like to use.
- Step 4: Request access to Engauge.
Link your student books with our teacher dashboard to capture real-time student learning data for real-life impact. Request access to Engauge here or within the e-book library next to the resource you are using. Learn more about Engauge and watch instructional videos here.