
Race 3.0 1

A Poptential student understands the world, their place in it and how to improve upon it.

Poptential teacher resources are built to create inquiry-based classrooms and promote critical thinking. All six social studies courses (American History, volume one and two; World History, volume one and two; Government, and Economics) are designed to be consumed by your students at home so they come to class ready for discussion.

Poptential aims to:

  • Take education beyond the acquisition of knowledge by fostering a culture of independent and critical thinking, empowering individuals to become lifelong learners and engaged global citizens. 
  • Create a strong foundation of independent and critical thinking skills essential for individuals to navigate an ever-evolving world, make informed decisions, and develop an understanding of their value and potential impact on society.
  • Empower students to become active participants in their own learning, capable of analyzing information, questioning assumptions, and forming well-reasoned perspectives. 
  • Create a student-centered approach, recognizing that each learner is unique, having their own interests, strengths, and experiences.
  • Provide diverse learning experiences that encourage curiosity, creativity, and intellectual exploration.
  • Encourage open dialogue, respect for diverse viewpoints, and the free exchange of ideas, equipping students with the confidence to express their thoughts and challenge conventional wisdom.

Pop! stands for…

  • Passion: Discover and apply what you are enthusiastic and excited about.
  • Originality: Think independently and creatively.
  • Power: Act on what you have learned and change the world!

Learn how Pop! is carried throughout our teacher resources by reading our methodology.

Does Poptential include Critical Race Theory?

Teachers like Poptential because it is free from bias. Virtually every module of our World and American History curriculum includes topic-relevant mini-lessons on race, social organization (class), and other issues pertinent to that module’s topic. We believe this is the appropriate way to assure that our content addresses important and controversial subjects, without becoming partisan or ideological.