Free High School Social Studies Teacher Resources That Tie In Pop Culture
Overcome lecture fatigue.
Poptential free teacher resources are built so students can do the reading and consume the multimedia at home, then come to class ready to participate in lively discussions.
American History —
Volume 1
American History —
Volume 2
World History —
Volume 1
World History —
Volume 2
Reach different learning styles.
Poptential content is a blend of short video clips and text so you can meet the different learning styles of your students. You’ll find clips from movies and shows, memes, music and modern references that your students can relate to.
Teachers using Poptential report:
Increased effectiveness
in the classroom (90%)
Increased student
engagement (71%)
When asked what they like most, teachers using Poptential said:
Ease of use
Lack of bias in content
Videos that stimulate
class discussion
An overall support of critical
thinking skill development
Warm up your class, pop culture-style.
When the bell rings, give students 3-5 minutes to watch/read that day’s Bell Ringer content. Then simply ask the provided questions and watch your class participation explode.
Get real-time student —learning data for real life impact.
Poptential’s new teacher dashboard, Engauge, turns each student action into useable educator insights. See assignment completion rates, student engagement with text, videos or questions, and evidence of comprehension!